America's weekday conversation
A message from the show
At “The Takeaway,” we tell stories that make the news personal and connect people to the world around them.
Our coverage is about issues that matter–big things and little things: from think pieces about Constitutional law, political theory, and social justice movements; to stories about the lived experience of marginalized communities; to segments about arts, culture and entertainment, and the way they enrich our lives and broaden our worldviews.
We provide the best of both worlds in terms of content, covering your bases with the variety and currency of a news magazine and the narrative and voice of a podcast. Our segments are long enough to go deep and provide information and context but short enough to have pacing and energy.
We feature guests that embody the values we aspire to: the most expert voices from academia, politics, and industry; the most compelling artists, authors, and public personalities; and most importantly, “real people”: the voices of advocates and organizers making change and especially of stakeholders, listeners, and others who bring the humanity and the story to our stories.