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HerMoney with Jean Chatzky

Anyone who tells you women don’t need financial advice specifically for them is wrong. Women, whether they’re the caretakers, the breadwinners, or both, face a unique set of financial challenges. That’s where HerMoney comes in. In her frank, often funny, but always compassionate way, Jean Chatzky takes every audience of women through the steps they need to take today to live comfortably (and worry-free) tomorrow, offering the latest research, expert tips and personal advice.


Giada De Laurentiis

Giada De Laurentiis, star on The Food Network and restaurateur, talks candidly about rising to the top in the male-dominated food world and how hard it’s been to be both heard and respected. She candidly talks about her life after a tough divorce and how she’s raising her 8-year-old daughter to know and respect the value of money.


Gretchen Rubin

Jean chats with happiness guru and best-selling author, Gretchen Rubin, and they explore how you may effectively build better habits for both. Hear about Gretchen’s Happiness Manifesto, the importance of knowing yourself before creating or changing habits and learn why you should make your bed every day. More money won’t always make you more happy, but how you use and manage your money can.


Arianna Huffington

Arianna Huffington was falling apart at work because she was literally exhausted. Arianna says lack of sleep costs the U.S. economy $63 billion a year and hits us in our financial, physical and emotional lives. No surprise, it’s more of a problem for women! Arianna says, we need to think of that problem in reverse. Being well rested is the key to regaining control.